
Sanity Portfolio

Sanity Portfolio


The Portfolio Website project is a dynamic, modern web application built to showcase my professional skills, projects, and achievements. Utilizing Sanity as a headless CMS and Next.js for the frontend framework, this portfolio website offers a seamless, interactive user experience. The site is designed to be a comprehensive representation of my work, allowing for easy updates and content management through Sanity's robust backend. This project serves as a testament to my capabilities in full-stack development, particularly in creating performant, SEO-friendly web applications with Next.js and headless CMS integration.

Tech Stacks

  • Next.js: A powerful React framework for server-side rendering and generating static websites, ensuring fast load times and optimal performance.
  • Sanity: A headless CMS that provides a flexible and easy-to-use interface for managing content, enabling real-time updates and content customization.
  • Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework that facilitates rapid UI development with customizable design systems.
  • Vercel: A cloud platform for static sites and serverless functions, used for deploying the website and ensuring it remains highly performant and scalable.
  • GROQ: A query language used with Sanity to fetch and manipulate data from the CMS efficiently.
  • JavaScript/TypeScript: Programming languages used to build and maintain the functionality and type safety of the application.