
Static Portfolio

Static Portfolio


The MyPortfolio project is a static portfolio website designed to showcase my professional background, projects, and skills. Built with simplicity and efficiency in mind, this portfolio provides a clean and organized layout for visitors to easily navigate through my work and achievements. It highlights my journey as a web developer, featuring a detailed overview of my skills, experience, and significant projects. The website serves as a professional digital resume, making it accessible for potential employers, collaborators, and clients to understand my expertise and capabilities.

Tech Stacks

  • HTML: The backbone of the website, providing the basic structure and content.
  • CSS: Used for styling the website, ensuring it is visually appealing and responsive across different devices.
  • JavaScript: Adds interactivity and enhances the user experience by implementing dynamic features.
  • Bootstrap: A CSS framework that helps in designing responsive and mobile-first web pages, providing a grid system and pre-designed components.
  • Vercel: Deployed on Vercel to leverage its fast and reliable hosting services for static websites.